
Beyond Survival: Strategies and Stories from the Transformative Justice Movement

Co-Edited by Ejeris Dixon and Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha: 2020

Community Safety in Tumultuous Times

The Forge: May 20, 2021

Ejeris’s writing focuses on documenting the visionary work of transformative justice and prison and police abolition, and challenges the rising tide of fascism within the United States.  Believing that the way forward is through organizing, Ejeris Dixon invites us to envision a liberatory future that organizers co-create from the wisdom of Queer, Trans, Black communities. Through their writing, Ejeris delves into what it takes to dismantle the intricate web of white supremacy, male supremacy, and christian supremacy that underpins fascist movement.  Simultaneously, Ejeris Dixon highlights the importance of community safety in the tumultuous times we live in. Alarmingly, they reveal how the COVID-19 pandemic is being exploited to advance fascist agendas, calling on us to act collectively and decisively. Ejeris Dixon’s work consistently underscores the vital role of relationships and movement building to create the social transformation needed to combat these unsettling trends.

In the pivotal book, Beyond Survival, Ejeris alongside co-editor Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha outlines strategies for transformative justice, offering a refreshing alternative to punitive systems. This work, along with her various other contributions, firmly positions Ejeris Dixon as a critical voice for community safety, movement building, abolition, and social transformation.

From Survival to Solidarity: Emerging From the Wreckage of the Trump Era

Movement Memos with Kelly Hayes

"As we navigate the wreckage of the Trump administration, how can we respond to crisis from a place of power? In the season finale of Movement Memos, Kelly Hayes and Ejeris Dixon talk about the dangers we still face, the relationships we need, and how we can help each other do more than simply survive these times."


Fascists Don't Pretend to Play By the Rules

Refuse Fascism

"Since October 3, daily protests have been ongoing around the country demanding Trump/Pence Out Now. Plus, this week the fascist nominee to the Supreme Court hearings are happening this week (join in protests - details at refusefascism.org).

Samantha Goldman (@SamanthaGoldm19) talks with organizer Ejeris Dixon (@ejeris), Director of Vision Change Win, about the threat that the fascist Trump/Pence regime poses to all human beings and the need for solidarity and coalition building to confront and defeat fascism before it is completely consolidated."

Beyond Survival

How to Survive the End of the World

"For this week's episode, Autumn and adrienne sit down with Ejeris Dixon and Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, the editors of Beyond Survival: Strategies and Stories from the Transformative Justice Movement. We discuss book touring, their journeys to this work, and transformative justice in this time."

“We Surrender Nothing and No One”: A Playbook for Solidarity Amid Fascist Terror

Movement Memos with Kelly Hayes

"Kelly Hayes talks with grassroots strategist Ejeris Dixon about courage and solidarity in a time of rebellion."

Adapting Strategy & Building Power in Crisis

Irresistible: Collective Healing and Social Change

"Emergencies like the COVID-19 pandemic create the conditions for accelerated political realignments. This creates an enormous threat for bold moves toward authoritarianism, but also creates major opportunity for our movements to put forward our vision for the future and shape a new common sense about what we deserve.  In this episode, we face the reality of what is happening politically. We engage with how our power building strategies need to adapt to our current conditions, and also pace with our needs and limitations as humans living in a traumatizing time."

Ejeris Dixon has been featured in numerous podcasts where sharing insights on social justice issues. In "From Survival to Solidarity: Emerging From the Wreckage of the Trump Era" on Audible, Dixon discusses navigating post-Trump America. They further examine the dangers of fascism and the importance of community resistance in the "Refuse Fascism" episode on iHeartRadio. On Apple Podcasts' "Beyond Survival", Ejeris Dixon delves into strategies for transformative justice. Their interview on Truthout's podcast underscores the significance of solidarity in fighting fascist terror. Lastly, in the "Healing Justice" podcast, Dixon and Dove Kent talk about adapting strategies and building power in times of crisis.